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8 months ago


If all the others have searched for information, I would like to report to you some of my experiences. These are over 20 years old and relate to my 9 months basic military service! …

There are people who appreciate the work at the Bundeswehr and who like to work there! … I have seen things that make me call the Bundeswehr a monkey and idiot club! (I already wrote this 20x here…)

  • The organization was partly a disaster! Instead of knowing who is a must-have and then having to appear at the appointment, it was more like “Oh new recruits …” Who are they again?
  • The “stubes” were more emergency solutions. (But no room for living!)
  • Service hours were quite large >40h; In the private sector, <40h is common. ...
  • The payment was underground. This is certainly better for time soldiers, but that has other disadvantages.
  • I found some clothes and the dress order not so great!
  • As far as I know, you only get a time contract with the Bundeswehr. Only after 12 years you can become a professional soldier. i.e. Depending on how the situation is in 12 years, you might have to kill again in your life! …
  • What I’m still critical of today is that I have not received certificates for my received soldier! …

I can only advise you if you don’t let this idea stop you from signing a short contract and looking at the situation in the barracks first!

And if you’d like to have a foothold in a “men’s profession, become electricians!


8 months ago

On Youtube you can find some I can’t contribute to the BW… I only volunteered in the Swiss army at the time 25 years ago, am Wachtmeister AD and would do it again. Today, more than then, as a woman, there are many more possibilities.

8 months ago

At that time it wasn’t always easy I got the two. Rekrutenschule visits in which even women were admitted to the mountain insultry… the organization and the infrastructure was not designed for women yet we were not allowed to catch a storm rifle at that time only a 9mm Sigg Sauer pistol the storm rifle we women fought us with many requests and inputs that came only 2 years later… in my army time, I passed through some of the counts of Inf to the territorial intelligence service there the subofficial school and the rank was exciting and physical even if you don’t think it was quite hard at that time because we were at an education school. Often we were 2 to 3 women at about 800 men later then got a B proposal to the officer but then we were no longer in charge of my service as a military officer.

8 months ago

What do you know about women? It was usually a good comrade that the infrastructure and the rules were not adapted to women at the time was logical that we had to get used to ourselves first, we were a novelty in a men’s domain that had to function until then. That’s better than it is now.

8 months ago

what would happen to me and how it is.

No one can tell you, Bundeswehr can be anything.

In the military section from command soldier to logistics specialist, from bus drivers to mechanical engineers to geoscientists, you will find various professions and tasks within the Bundeswehr.

And not in the civil field. From technicians to handcre, from lawyers to administrators to scientists.

Bundeswehr is a huge organization, with sub-combating forces, departments, offices, … lump sum statements would be disgusting.

What I can say is: Also there are normal people working there. There are unfriendly debes and nice pleasant contemporaries, there are capable and incapable, as in any “company” of this size.