Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload yCrxsherHXCKZ This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question The problem is that women don't find it so attractive when you are completely irradiated and try to talk to… On Kokain und Ecstasy Wirkung? Less On Wie stark ist die Drogenszene in Nürnberg? No, it's more like a sip of alcohol. Under such a strong drug influence, it won't just talk to any… On Kokain und Ecstasy Wirkung? You're mostly right about the nicknames. But often white and you notice a difference between Kush and Haze. On Macht Kush genauso high wie haze? I didn't notice anything at my first joint. It's like that for many first users.In the joints after that, it… On Wie lange hält die Wirkung von we€d🍃? After excessive drug use, these pseudo-halllations are not so rare. I can't tell you if they get better. On Kribbeln im Hinterkopf bei Amphetaminentzug? You should not use a drug to displace feelings.The problems do not go away after a noise, but you just… On Mdma als verdrängungsmittel? Most of the things you're telling you are probably just one.You can't get a bigger brain or the like by… On Microdosing LSD? Probably 10 grams. On Marihuana 10 dinger bedeutung? Being addicted to lsd is not possible because you should take twice the dose a day after. In addition, you… On Welche Dosis LSD? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...