Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload WaveClaxxic696About meDepressionA bit introvertedDon't like writing with people I don't like This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question I want a combination of speed and manoeuvrability and what to do a few tricks On Good skates? Google play On How can I install Snapchat? In normal coffee, 40 mg caffeine per 100 ml are in. In Redbull only 30mg per 100 ml On Why don't parents allow their children to drink Red Bull? Wenn die Entdrosselt ist dann ist die auch nicht legal. Also macht es keinen Unterschied ob der Auspuff legal ist On Beta RR 50 Track exhaust systems? Everyone has a polo or a shirt. And I don't like shirts On Good reason to wear a jacket? If you want me to send them to? On Where can you find people with whom you can play Wop Extreme? Where else? On Where can you find people with whom you can play Wop Extreme? I feel better after that. On Self-harm? No. Not really. If you did any sport, nothing should happen On Myocarditis? No On Is snapping rubber bands on your arm also self-harm? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...