Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload soralie This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question We are currently with acquaintances and have breakfasted croissants with jam On Was habt ihr heute Schönes gefrühstückt? Ich mag das Wort "und" gerne, einfach weil man es immer oft benutzt und benutzen muss, weil es nicht wirklich… On Habt ihr ein Lieblingswort? I love peppermint, best with lots of chocolate 🙂 On Welche Eissorte mögt ihr am meisten? rarely, only if I'm bored and I don't want anything else, but I usually listen to music or audiobooks On Hört ihr gerne Podcasts? I just watched a movie and now I want to hear some music. I might go to sleep in an… On Wann geht ihr schlafen und was macht ihr gerade so? Best in the basement where it is not too warm, too bright or too humid On Wie lagere ich Kartoffeln am besten so dass sie sich mindestens 2 Monate halten ohne zu keimen oder schlecht zu werden? Certainly, it is possible until the first half of the year you only received about half of notes for the… On Notenschnitt um 0,5 erhöhen im zweiten Halbjahr? Just so definitely not, but if you write a note or a message to your girlfriend that you agree if… On Darf meine Freundin die Arbeit mitnehmen? I had 5/6. Hour of falling, so I had enough time to drive home in the lunch break. On Was war euer Highlight des tages? Yeah, I write diary, but not really regular. Often I just don't have any pleasure or nothing that would be… On Schreibt ihr in ein Tagebuch? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...