Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Slayqueen2824 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question Jaaa always looks like my first working day. You're not alone. Don't worry about it. Great success:) On Überfordert im Krankenhaus? That's why I was with three different women's doctors because my ovulation has been like this for almost 10 years.… On Periode? Good improvement On Periodenschmerzen aber ohne Blut? It may be that the period is somewhat delayed and therefore the pms is stronger. You can do a pregnancy… On Periodenschmerzen aber ohne Blut? Oh, okay, that doesn't sound like the ovulation. You might want to be a gynecologist On Periode? How much if I can ask? And how does the pain feel? Are they stabbing? Left right or in the… On Periode? I don't think this is your period, but quite normal outflow after ovulation. Don't worry, it's normal. After your ovulation,… On Periode? Endometriosis is when tissue-like "small" (as in the period) grow outside your womb. Mostly it is not dangerous, but unfortunately… On Unkontrollierte Periode was tun? 14 days are a dream haha so do not make the mistake as I and only 3 days before learning.… On Reichen zwei Wochen aus um sich auf die Prüfung vorzubereiten? I'm really sorry about the PMS and the pain. Well, you know that probably, drinking tea, moving a bit, warming… On Unkontrollierte Periode was tun? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...