Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Silas79 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question 😂😂Maybe you don't remember that wheel has redeveloped because you've reached so much in life that you don't notice such… On Wie findet ihr What questions can you test a AI?I've tried, too, but my questions seem too easy for the AI On Wie findet ihr So eye contact with a lady doesn't mean that's really interested in you.Maybe she was just kind to you because… On Augenkontakt? Hi, I agree with you. In any case, you are right to write it with a double point. But you… On Satzzeichen richtig setzen? They're really pretty. On Spitzname für den Namen Linus? I'm honest, the name's pretty cool. You just have to get used to it.I've got a flyn.Linus -> Lin ->… On Spitzname für den Namen Linus? Yes, but rather Laines On Spitzname für den Namen Linus? Take the English version for your name On Spitzname für den Namen Linus? It's almost funny.You don't seem to have spoken to many bisexual people. If ignorance and outdated stereotypes were a sexuality,… On würdet ihr eine bisexuelle person daten? So I had no folder until the end of my Abitur.I also thought if I'd get one because my fellow… On Ab wann Ordner? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...