Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload PlanetPhysik This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question It was in Hamburg. I found the hamburgers very nice. I think it will be good there 🙂 On Hamburg Neustadt wohnen? With 13 years, you shouldn't maintain any love relationships. Seems too young. By the way, your personality must fit. Deo… On Deo für jungen? You are 13 years old. Relax. On Deo für jungen? There's no one. On Welche Grafikkarte für gebraucht 250€ kaufen? Nein. Sei einfach vorsichtig damit, und dann wird dir nichts passieren. On Muss Wattestäbchen verboten werden für das Ohr? Every Apple phone is the same anyway. On Iphone 13 im Jahr 2025? Yeah, I think so. On Findet ihr auch, dass das Wochenende viel zu schnell vergeht? You're not wrong. You don't even know him, and he expects you to visit him. Pretty funny. On Ist das normal? Depends on how much alcohol you drink. You don't have to worry now. If you're afraid, go to a doctor… On Ich habe Angst bald zu sterben? A good graphics card that costs under 100€? What country do you live in? On Nvidia Grafikarte unter 100 Euro? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...