The fool does what he cannot leave andone, the wise man leaves andone what he cannot do. (Confucius)
Source for background image:
Source for avatar image: Confused emoticon with speech bubble stock vector graphic| Adobe Stock with standard license that allows publication in SocialMedia etc.
I am someone who is very interested in China. ikea in its history and culture! Sino-German cultural exchange is very close to my heart! Politics in general is always a difficult topic and I don't like discussing it with other people because opinions can vary widely due to different sources and knowledge!
As long as you remain objective and don't try to be a know-it-all, you're welcome to try and start a conversation!
But I've definitely had enough of pointless insults here and don't want to be made fun of by "China haters"!
Thank you!
I'm therefore against bullying and found and copied this text here:
Think about it:
A 15 year old girl holds the hand of her 1 year old son. People insult her because no one knows that she was raped when she was 14 years old.
People call an old man fat because no one knows that he has a disease that makes him overweight.
People call a man ugly because no one knows that he got his scars from a fire from which he saved 4 people.
The girl you called ugly tries to make herself more beautiful every day with several kilos of make-up in the hope that someone will like her.
The boy you ostracized is already mistreated enough at home.
The boy you laughed at because he cried lost his mother.
If you're against bullying like us, copy this text into your profile!
We bet 95% won't do it, but then there are still 5% who do and that's a success.
This text is so true🥺