Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload natal1e998empathy This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question South Tyrol On Italy with a dog? Hi, I can only recommend the dog hotel Mair in the village of Tyrol. We go there almost annually. On Italy with a dog? Es ist nur eine Warze, die sich entzunden hat! On Hi everyone, can you help me and tell me what this could be? Danke 🙂 On Hi everyone, can you help me and tell me what this could be? Dieser Kommentar hilft uns und beruhigt, danke ;)Ich denke diese Seite ist dafür gemacht, Meinungen anderer einzuholen. Wir werden natürlich… On Hi everyone, can you help me and tell me what this could be? Ohje.. wir haben eine Salbe bekommen, dadurch ging das nun noch mehr auf.Seit einigen Wochen, es war zuvor um einiges… On Hi everyone, can you help me and tell me what this could be? Ok, dankeschön das machen wir.. On Hi everyone, can you help me and tell me what this could be? Ok, dankeschön! On Hi everyone, can you help me and tell me what this could be? Okay, crap. Does that last longer? Or can this be changed quickly? On Do I have to completely reconfigure my Fritz!Box in my new apartment? How do I secure the settings? On Do I have to completely reconfigure my Fritz!Box in my new apartment? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...