Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload nadi06 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question Yes don't know what you like when I look at otto then zb that there On Kennt ihr gute Konfirmationskleider (mit Schuhen)? no sneakers! Maybe without the bommel on the top. Otherwise, but very sweet! On Wie findet ihr das Outfit? Always not, mostly jeans - but always like to. On Mädels tragt ihr immer Röcke im Alltag? Also ich denk das geht vorbei, da würde ich nicht so viel drauf geben. Vielleicht einenTag Pause und dann wieder! On Schmerzen hohe Schuhe? kind of casual, cool... I would wear to the sport so On Wie findet ihr das outfit :)? I'm going to work right now - wait in a bistro and wear a black shirt, white blouse, tight black… On Mädels was macht ihr heute und was zieht ihr dazu an? I also find them good in color, black as well. On Meinung zu den Schuhen? I think this looks like he's sitting loose and being more of 2-3 holes tight On Liegt der Gürtel bei der Frau eng an? Thanks - in the direction it will go tomorrow night. Above the shirt a violet blouse and instead of sports… On Kleidung zum Kellnern? no definitely not, he is too far I find On Liegt der Gürtel bei der Frau eng an? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...