Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload N58457 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question Tribute of Panem: It is more than just fighting in the tribute of Panem, as the political system of the… On Warum finden es Leute spannend Menschen kämpfen und sterben zu sehen? Me. Religion has nothing to do with me. Financial or sexual. On Ist das unfair? So actually, I don't understand why you have to sit down at all, but if you want to prevent it… On Ist das unfair? Just remember what you want to be. (manage or something)And remember what you'll likely be if you don't learn. (For… On Ich hab gar keinen Motivation zum lernen, habt ihr irgend welche Tipps? Do the person who laughed otherwise sometimes stop? On Warum haben die gelacht/ was soll das allgemein? 1-2. On Welche Note wird es auf dem Halbjahrszeugnis? Like 5.80????With me nearby it is always at least 8 euros On Wie viel kostet ein Döner bei euch? 2 is good 3 is satisfactory On Nur 3, in Realschule Gut? Ich glaube so zwischen 8-10 On Mit wieviel Jahren hast du schwimmen gelernt?🐣? Amazon On Wo kann man Online am besten, Getränke billig & ohne Pfand bestellen? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...