Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload mrx93 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question Believe me, if you're pregnant, you'll see a very clear and clear result very quickly. On Bin ich schwanger oder täusche ich mich? My friend's pregnant for six weeks now. But before the magical, first three months aren't around, we'll do the devil… On Wann Babykleidung einkaufen? Hazelnut On Wo ist die Berliner Punk Szene? What answers do you want here?! On Mit 15 schwanger, was tun? Joa, where's the problem... On sagt ihr das n wort? It has nothing to do with the existing intelligence.The best way to look at the IHK page is to list… On Was für Voraussetzungen um den Ausbilderschein machen zu können. Genügt ein abgeschlossenes Bachelorstudium in Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder braucht es beruf? Yeah, you can take a little more. On Bin ich fett? Dumb question, stupid answer. I just can't do this anymore... On Rundliche Figur? Yes, please reduce weight properly On Rundliche Figur? Maybe as a small tip: You can never project the past to the present... On Meinem Partner geholfen und nichts dafür bekommen? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...