Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload mollylo123 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question Hello, thank you. But is it normal that after 2 months it still looks so red and so new? On Wieso heilt diese Wunde nicht? Why not? On Tsh erhöht? Yes but it goes back when I test again after a few weeks On Tsh erhöht? And where do I get that? On Hab ich eine Schilddrüsenunterfunktion? Ok so I can calm down a bit On Kann ein TSH sinken? Can the TSH value be lower after 2 months? He's not over the border yet On Kann ein TSH sinken? But can't get lower after a while On Kann ein TSH sinken? do you have the symptoms? Can you go back alone? On Schilddrüse leicht erhöht? Was I, she said she had only a tightness or so and should do exercises but that meant with dizziness… On Immer schwankschwindel? With 15-16 years? On Immer schwankschwindel? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...