Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Mimimomo571 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question I thank you for your answer, I'll ask my jobbersterin tomorrow and she'll find out for me. On bekommt man während der abendschule kindergeld? Yes I have On Hartz 4 und abzüge? So yes here several people live 9 people with my family, just as it had explained to me my srbeitscoachin… On Hartz 4 und abzüge? Hi, since you look so good, I wanted to ask you something, and how does it look like a minijob?… On Hartz 4 und abzüge? Olay now I understood that you had to explain so often! And thanks On Hartz 4 und abzüge? Thank you so I am not a student or azubi and under 25, that is, these 336,80 will be deducted… On Hartz 4 und abzüge? Hello,So I'm under 25, so I probably get 336,80 euro? On Hartz 4 und abzüge? Ahhh oke thank you! On Fahrticket monatlich? But there isn't to scan and that surprised me On Fahrticket monatlich? How much money should I have saved at the beginning? Thanks for answer, I have spent almost 2000, should I… On Zahnspange für erwachsene? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...