Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Marv1306Please write to 🙂 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question There is no IHK training so there will probably be nothing there? On Online Weiterbildung? that they have but I think ne stationary recording could help On Verschluckt wie ein Idiot ( Mal wieder ) Loch in Lunge? that will help On Verschluckt wie ein Idiot ( Mal wieder ) Loch in Lunge? if it really is so acute for you, please imagine a psychiatry near you. There you get help and if… On Verschluckt wie ein Idiot ( Mal wieder ) Loch in Lunge? How strong is your panic/angst? On Verschluckt wie ein Idiot ( Mal wieder ) Loch in Lunge? Also work a lot on the Pc and yes I feel....where the work with my trainees can do that well… On Dellen auf der Stirn was tun? yes but you don't need xD You can try to compile the ne skin care that can prevent or conceal… On Dellen auf der Stirn was tun? hm ok... so as to say it is different from human to human. Some say goodbye at 5-6 others only… On Bis zu welchem Level 1 bis 20 kann ein Mensch Schmerzen aushalten ohne Schmerzmittel? It could also be with 20 actually tend aging of the skin. Or a scar did you hit you? or… On Dellen auf der Stirn was tun? Jap genau so is es bei mir…aber Menschen und ihre Interessen sind halt sehr verschieden. Schau was die spaß macht. On Wieso bin ich anders als andere 25 jährige? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...