Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Marouane243 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question You have sequences of numbers and you have to write them as potency with the same basis.The first task, e.g.82… On Wie löse ich Aufgabe c? P(1) there are two branches, i.e. two.Besides, you didn't count the fractures.You have to count denominator, count counter.So for example… On Ist das richtig (Mathe)? Anti AfDler der Taylor Swift mag. Du erfüllt ja fast jedes Klischee. 🤫 On Wie findet ihr Taylor Swift? f(x) = 3x2 + 1, 2 insert f'(x=2) and then insert the result in -1/f(a). On Mathe hausaufgabe tangente und normale? 12.Klasse? can derive from the example with the square something for the triangle. On Für die Quadratur des Quadrats braucht man mindestens 21 verschieden große Teilquadrate. Wie viele bräuchte man für ein gleichseitiges Dreieck? A linear regression is usually solved numerically, i.e. with a nem algorithm which is programmed on a computer. On Modellieren aus Daten? Dissolve with the arcus sine.And since these are periodic functions, points always repeat the frequency, i.e. the respective x value… On Mathehausaufgaben? Percentage bill. 1% are 0.01 On Vierfeldertafeln? 5a) na calculate the absolute values, i.e. not the percentage, but the proportion.For example 0.011 ⋅ 1180At 6) well you… On Vierfeldertafeln? I guess there's a sine curve coming out. Imagine the height screw connection is the zero point. On Kann jemand mir helfen? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...