Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload MaeyxrThe stupid questions some people ask even though the answer is clear This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question In my current medicine studies. Otherwise Google it, ask your arts etc On Does vaping give you black smoker's lungs? Yes, both by getting lung cancer is much higher and above all faster. On Does vaping give you black smoker's lungs? I recommend CBD oil. You can get it without prescription from the pharmacy. 3 drops on the tongue and after… On Hey, ich bin verzweifelt, da ich heute den ersten Tag meiner Periode hab und es echt verdammt weh tut, was kann helfen? I know about my mother. My tip: say how you feel. Whether he takes it to heart: probably not because… On Wie gehe ich mit einem Narzisstischen Vater um? Joa's normal. Pass me too On Ist es normal nach dem gras Konsum das sich die sicht verändert oder ist das nur bei mir so? Kinilaw, Chicken Adobo and Sinigang sa Sampalok 🤤(Philippine cuisine) On What is your favorite food? I totally agree with😅 had a leaving a few years ago and then never had any psychological problems. I would… On tut eine Abtreibung weh? Can also be a fungal infection. Go to the Urologist On Discharge in men? Of course I understand. What you call nightmare. Bad things that happen to you in dreams, terrible things etc. It's… On Ständig Albträume haben? For me is a nightmare if I don't dream or if I dream boring things. On Ständig Albträume haben? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...