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Everything in the universe
genetically to cousin
everything else.

There is one family,
one bonding, in the universe,
because everything is descended from
the same source. 🦋


"Ultimately, we have all sprouted from heavenly seeds, we all have the same father, from him the benevolent mother receives the wet drops of rain, she takes up the earth and brings forth blossoming, shimmering fruits, lush trees, so the human race, gives vitality to the wild animals of all species, satisfies, providing food and fodder, the them of starving

Lucretius II, 91-997


Without the soaring birds,

the great forests, the sounds

and coloration of the

the free-flowing streams

the flowering fields,

the sight of the clouds by day

and the stars at night,

we are becoming

in all that makes us human.

(Thomas Berry)

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