Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload LUKAS17052004 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question Okay many thanks On Auto polieren und Kratzer entfernen? Have already seen some videos, but I hope to get tips that can help me out On Auto polieren und Kratzer entfernen? Okay, thank you, but workshop is not worth it at my car, so I would like to try to make… On Auto polieren und Kratzer entfernen? Well, there's already a subwoofer in the back and doesn't want to have any more in the trunk, but it's… On Polo 9n Lautsprechergitter hinten? I tried it now and the relay only switches as long as I press the switch, after which it also… On 12v relais klickt aber schaltet nicht? I'll try it again next weekend, thank you very much (: On 12v relais klickt aber schaltet nicht? 30 I've got85 mass86 the taster 87 the output On 12v relais klickt aber schaltet nicht? If it were possible to build a switch on the button, which gives a permanent signal when the button has… On Taster als schalter benutzen? Hmm I'll look On Taster als schalter benutzen? Good idea thanks (: On Taster als schalter benutzen? (No Ratings Yet)Loading...