Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload liavrslia; 18; cologne <3 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question With me was just on a different account because when I bought my new ones instead of the old emails.… On Fansale Tickets nicht in der App? Had the ticket already, it had to send it back to my girlfriend so that she can send it to… On Fansale Tickets nicht in der App? I know, I am partly suffocated on soft bread xD. EVERYTHING EVERYTHING. Don't remember this one anymore 🙂 Very often,… On Essen mit Apparatur? When I was with my Fielmann branch, an employee felt that there were no contact lenses for my strength. That… On Stärke bei Kontaktlinsen? No, not at all. I'll call tomorrow and see what this is all about. Thank you. On ausbildung vorstellungsgespräch raum? Thank you. I did a one-week internship and I liked it. ^^ On Vorstellungsgespräch Pflegefachkraft? I'm not even one? I just want to do the training. On Vorstellungsgespräch Pflegefachkraft? No, that's not true. It's not like that at a first meeting. I've seen you 2-3 times. It has nothing… On Vorstellungsgespräch Pflegefachkraft? thank you 🙂 On Gelnägel beim Vorstellungsgespräch? Thank you very much! > < > < > < > < < < < < < < < <… On Gelnägel beim Vorstellungsgespräch? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...