Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Laurass23 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question half German half Turkish there is not On Guten Abend? Yes people say I am not German On Guten Abend? So it stands for On Guten Abend? City Affiliation is too hard to get there I need to find out data from my ancestors On Guten Abend? No so I choose the afd because I also have criminal enough. So I feel as only German and cannot… On Guten Abend? Oky thank you, I also choose the afd, but some are talking to me like that, so I wanted to… On Guten Abend? So then you're Swiss. I have such a thought that the afd people with migration background do not want but… On Guten Abend? Also sie hat mir gesagt das der Vater schonmal einen vaterschafttest gemacht hat und da stand 99999,99 aber jetzt denkt… On Wer kennt sich aus? I myself actually choose the afd, but some are talking to me not as German and so On Gutenmorgen leute? Oh so oky because I was born here in Germany my father is pure German, but my mother Türkin lives… On Gutenmorgen leute? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...