Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Kunnn410 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question Thanks for the help. Have solved the problem now thanks to you it was really to delete the partitions On Stuck in a loop after reinstalling Windows 11? How's that going? On Stuck in a loop after reinstalling Windows 11? Update: Did something come together and have somehow landed there :/ I can't enter anything because I didn't have a… On Stuck in a loop after reinstalling Windows 11? Everything in top area, as said when playing with little requirements I have jerks and with newer games no 🙄… On Würde die Grafikkarte in diesen Rechner passen? I've done it. because the 30th series is not good On Würde die Grafikkarte in diesen Rechner passen? Could you recommend me a good graphics card? I have quite jerks at some games (rocket league of legends) when… On Würde die Grafikkarte in diesen Rechner passen? No space for boxes unfortunately : On Improve monitor sound? For example, I meanOther On Gaming Router sim slot? Werde aber trotzdem Windows neu aufsetzen und das motherboard austauschen. Mal schauen wie es dann ist On Computer is slow, what do I need to replace? Und würde das Motherboard auch in meine PC passen von der Größe her oder sind die alle gleich von der… On Computer is slow, what do I need to replace? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...