Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload KristinaAnna This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question yes..You bring it to the point 😉 On Ist es Arbeit, wenn es Spaß macht? always up to 7 (or even more: almost more than 8😬😅) On Bis wohin raucht ihr eure Zigaretten? me too, On Hilft rauchen vor stressiger Situation? Jeans less suitable, but leather pants or leggings or beautiful leather skirt looks more festive....I'm probably going to church for… On Jeans Lederhose oder Lederrock? exactly, leather leggings 👍 practical & stylish, I will probably wear to the festival On Jeans Lederhose oder Lederrock? both...I like the smell of cigarettes and the taste 😍 On Mögen Zigarettenraucher den Geschmack und Geruch von Zigaretten? No, not at all, I'm a smoker, and I like to smoke... so I confess that a truck. On An die Raucher!? genau...und super zu kombinieren 🙂 On Warum liebe ich es Leder zu tragen? angenehmes, praktisch und stylisches Alltags-Material,....super zu kombinieren On Warum liebe ich es Leder zu tragen? very well expressed, I also see On Ist geistige Gesundheit genauso wichtig wie körperliche Gesundheit? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...