Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Kristellia This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question I agree with the other answers. I've done this myself for years, and I can handle it today and the… On Sv wegbekommen? Can also be a panic attack. At dissociation you don't always have physical problems. Probably a combination of both but… On War das eine Dissoziation? You can take it with permission of parents I thinkI got the drug with 16 against a schitzuphrenia, which I… On queatipin für kinder? I have experienced similar and have a ptbs,I would have helped a family therapy and support by parents. However, since… On wie kann man mir Helfen? So. My friend had the same problem as you for a long time and was also at the same point.… On Es gibt Leute, die es schlechter haben als ich? I used to have mosquitoes or humming, etc. And once a bird spider.and it has crawled and stabbed etc with… On Warum sehe ich nachts Spinnen? I have taken strong psychopharmaceuticals from my 14 - 23 years of age because of an alleged schitzuphrenia. The one… On Es gibt nichts was ein Medikament nicht lösen kann? I had that similar to my shoulder yesterday. I was wrong and tense and still pain. Try moving the ma… On Fußschmerzen? It's difficult. If I understood the question correctly, I have a similar problem. And just try to focus on me.… On Wie gehe ich mit der Welt um die nicht meinen Werten entspricht? Ahh I didn't know, I'll try. Thank you On Warum habe ich schon Dehnungsstreifen mit 13? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...