Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload kaenGuru249 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question It has always helped me to read a lot in general privately (mainly novels, but also dramas, short stories and… On Wie lernt man besten fürs Fach Deutsch? understand On Wie findet ihr Berlin? Yeah, but you can do it! I have my difficulties with this, so I can fully understand it!(I recommend the… On Konsequenter werden – wie? Okay, then it probably depends on the district. There are probably many people around you in everyday life, right? On Wie findet ihr Berlin? Guessing yourself sometimes also means feeling common/social. But you survive, believe me:) On Konsequenter werden – wie? Very cool to be there for a few days or for a day trip. But it would be too exciting… On Wie findet ihr Berlin? Magdalena I find more beautiful, because I always have to think about Hailey Bieber... On Wie findet ihr den Namen? Pfefferminze, Zitronenmelisse, Salbei, Thymian, ... (aber die ersten beiden sind am besten als Tee, vor allem gemischt) On Was ist euer Lieblingsgetränk? Kalt oder warm? Tee (z.B. aus frischen Gartenkräutern) On Was ist euer Lieblingsgetränk? Kalt oder warm? I thought if she was really in pain, it would be good to treat the... On Wie oft sollte man zun frauenarzt gehen wenn man oft zysten an den eierstöcken hat? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...