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I fight for justice and against prejudice


Cities in flames

The heart aches

The battle is exhausting

And the enemy never sleeps

Bullets fly, while snow if

Together we will all win

This is our homeland 🇺🇦

Let it go

While we stood to the end!

And the war will not break us,

Our faith unites hearts,

Ukraine lives forever!

Ukraine is our country! 🇺🇦

Ukraine unites hearts! 🇺🇦

- Max Barskih


When the war is over

I will call the whole world

and then I will stand at the window

and I will cry for a long time.

When the war is over

the children will return home

and the night will no longer be scary

I will think about how to go on living.

On this day

With a touch of happiness and sadness

I will say thank you.

On this day

I will look up at the clear sky

And I will say thank you!

When the war is over

I will give you my palm,

The earth will with flowers

When the was ends!

- Полякова


"We need no Haters, we're Born to dance"

- Verka Serduchka


"From a young age, we were looking for a way

But life is like a loop for those who fall

What is your life

But the years fly by, and soon it is over

And let someone hide hatred and envy behind a smile

When you let kindness and love into your heart instead of anger

- Alyona Alyona


In fact, Donald Trump is not all that pro-Russian - he was the first to impose sanctions on Russia in 2019, for example.

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