Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload IQJamanSneakyYou don't have to know me for me to help you. But it would be better. Party me at 🍻🍾 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question Das ist ungefährlich. Einfach etwas chilln, muss ja verdaut werden. On Zuviel wasser getrunken? During the day the sun is hotter than in itteam is called; Great Another Made LoLI stand there as ordered… On Gute Sprüche für einen Vollidioten? It doesn't sound like a true relationship. This still happens after that time? His effort seems to be low. He… On Mein Freund verwechselt meinen Namen mit einer anderen? Yes I like the Whopper, even Double very much. I don't know why, but here in southern Germany the atmosphere… On Seid ihr auch Burger King Fans? I think it's up to the person. If it's all right for you, it won't matter. In principle, something should… On Wie findet ihr, wenn man nur Arbeit und Zuhause hat? Late shift until 00:18, then 35 min drive home. The trains are just going. On Wieso seid ihr wach? 9Efes from Istanbul 100 ml or so On Mit welchem Alter habt ihr das erste Mal Bier getrunken? The Furies. On Bitte könnt ihr mir ein Horror Film empfehlen ? Never. No chance. But I still work a lot. On Existiert/Lebt ihr auch nur für die Arbeit? In addition to the previous answers, you also have to drink a lot. I drink 3.3l daily without sugar. My… On trotz Diät mehr gewicht ? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...