Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload ilyasceri1221 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question yes that can be. I'll check it out later. thanks for your help On ender 3 filament geht schwer durch hotend? No. I can't put it in the print. so when printing I make the spring that presses the gear together… On ender 3 filament geht schwer durch hotend? Hello, I need your help. I want to print with PLA plus, but there's nothing coming out of print. If… On ender 3 filament geht schwer durch hotend? are you going to? got a photo on top. is that bad that it is so bent? have bought a… On ender 3 filament geht schwer durch hotend? ok On ender 3 filament geht schwer durch hotend? ok, I was looking for spacers for the screw at thingiverse, in the comentars that it is not good and… On ender 3 filament geht schwer durch hotend? can I exchange the x axis motor with the extruder motor? because the xyz motors are thinner and therefore are… On ender 3 filament geht schwer durch hotend? I've removed the rod and looked if it's right now. it has a very easy curvature but also very minimal.… On ender 3 filament geht schwer durch hotend? hallo I calibrated the xyz motors and also the toothed belts. I then printed a xyz cube with a 0.8mm… On ender 3 filament geht schwer durch hotend? okay On ender 3 filament geht schwer durch hotend? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...