Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload HRBT9 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question Honestly, from an RTX 3060ti to an RTX 4060 does not make any sense. You won't...Your RTX 3060ti is usually… On Computer upgrade? Von 3060ti auf 4060? Honestly, you don't have so many possibilities. Once I had a 7400, I know how the performance is. On this… On Hyrican Gaming PC CPU und GPU upgrade? Do I understand your answer to the FS correctly? The installation with the inlet/outlet below is correct?The pump, which is… On Kann ich meine Aio Kühlung an der Seite Platzieren? I also told the FS, however, simplified that the pump should not be the highest point.Water cooling is an Arctic… On Kann ich meine Aio Kühlung an der Seite Platzieren? Some will write that you should not combine. Believe me, it works perfectly.Baller the RAM simply into the free slots,… On RAM richtig besetzen? All right, something else. Under certain circumstances, this was done with the processor because it broke.Sometimes you can also be… On Das ist mein ryzen 3 1200 da ist mir ein pin wegebrochen ist das schlimm? Yeah, you can do it. But if the AIO were to be installed in such a way that the hoses… On Kann ich meine Aio Kühlung an der Seite Platzieren? Optionally format the portions that select larger of the two and then install Windows. Don't panic, you'll get it. On Hilfe! Windows will nicht installieren? Basically you can scal any game with Lossless Scaling and also the free software Magpie.Lossless scaling also offers its own… On Loss Less Scalling für alte spiele gut? Look for a used RTX 3080, should be feasible for cheap money. I don't know if you can be happy… On Welche GPU? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...