Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Hansii437 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question Soo.. Ich hab jetzt mal meinen Router (der hinter dem PC steht, links in einer Ecke) umgestellt bzw nur auf… On Router bekommt 200k aber mit Repeater nur 2k? Ich hab mal in der benutzeroberfläche geguckt.. da kann man nix umstellen On Router bekommt 200k aber mit Repeater nur 2k? Der Router und der Repeater steht eigentlich 1 Meter auseinander. Da ist auch keine Wand dazwischen.. nix On Router bekommt 200k aber mit Repeater nur 2k? All right.. thought there were some spooked versions 🙂 I'm trying to solve the problem with the AVM employees. Otherwise,… On FritzBox 6660 erfahrung? Ohh I thought that was the same as the FritzBox! Then I know. Thanks again! You sent me a real… On FritzBox 6660 erfahrung? Hi, thanks for the help. The previous Fritzbox was enough. but if I had a new job, it would not… On FritzBox 6660 erfahrung? Then I'll try to change and hope that it fixes the problem. But should it lie on the antennas etc.,… On FritzBox 6660 erfahrung? under and above would be okay for me, but not in the same apartment. It previously ran in the same… On FritzBox 6660 erfahrung? WLAN also works perfectly in other rooms? On FritzBox 6660 erfahrung? I've got the problem that I've got 2 more rooms no longer a wlan, that was different with the other… On FritzBox 6660 erfahrung? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...