Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload GuteAntwort205I hope that I can help people with the experiences I have had and with what I know. This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question No, you're not alone! I had that too, you have to make it clear that a lot of people suffer… On bin ich wirklich alleine? Also try to find out the cause of anxiety disorder and maybe somehow overcome it. There are several points of… On Wie kann man die mündliche Note verbessern? Have you ever talked to the teachers? If not, try it, even if it's not easy. You can ask if… On Wie kann man die mündliche Note verbessern? Da ihr nicht blutsverwandt seit, würde ich sagen gehört sie dann zur Familie wenn du es auch so fühlst. On Familie? Boa I'm really sorry but I don't know On Satz des Pythagoras? Oh, my mistake. You have to count on the route c to h On Satz des Pythagoras? You gave page c and h. Since a^2 + b^2 =c^2 also applies c^2 — b^2 =a^2 and c^2 -a^2… On Satz des Pythagoras? 8: Tiger On Musik Kreuzworträtsel 6. Klasse? 2: Elephant On Musik Kreuzworträtsel 6. Klasse? 9: lizard On Musik Kreuzworträtsel 6. Klasse? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...