Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload granapadanoI refuse friend requests without a message.Trolls wants blocked. This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question Es gibt zwei Arten von Menschen: Menschen, die eine eigene Meinung haben und diese vertreten und Menschen die abhängig von… On Which of your songs is your absolute favorite? mit den gleichen roboter anlagen mit denen man auch autos herstellt... On What kind of machines, equipment and technology are used to manufacture buses and trucks? sry that your parents have not managed to teach you this basic knowledge... On I have a wavy voice. Is that rare? Ich behaupte Ariana und Taylor nutzen kein Autotune! Und die waren ja dein Vergleich, nicht meiner. Nirgendwo sonst wird autotune… On Which of your songs is your absolute favorite? treiber completely delete and windows updates play back. event log of windows check. otherwise reinstall and wait until it happens… On The input signal isn't displayed in Windows, but I can hear myself in my DAW (Ableton). What should I do? ariana und taylor können singen. ohne autotune. die vocal in deinen videos könnte nicht mehr unnatürlicher sein, die erste klingt… On Which of your songs is your absolute favorite? shut down, restart windows, OHNE distractton to open into the sound settings of windows go. if necessary adjust level in… On The input signal isn't displayed in Windows, but I can hear myself in my DAW (Ableton). What should I do? who feels triggered because he couldn't relate the word "announcer" to his sex has quite different problems. 😅🤦🏼 On Does anyone like iPhone 14 Pro Max? Camera is camera! 🤦🏼 ♂️ Think for a second logically why cameras are forbidden there. On Disposable cameras allowed in Mercedes Benz Arena? Mir tun Menschen Leid, die nicht mehr wissen was Musik und Kunst bedeutet. Talent! Leidenschaft! Die Werte kennt ihr nicht… On Which of your songs is your absolute favorite? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...