Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload FreddiKlever This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question No. He's not that stupid. He wouldn't survive. He'd come to the shooting with an electric car. That wouldn't go… On Meint das es unter Elon Musk noch eine Purge Nacht in den USA gibt? In my opinion, it is symbolic of slavery, oppression and racism. On Flagge der Konföderierten Staaten von Amerika? "The size of a person does not depend on his body length. As far as this is concerned, you have… On Lustige Antwort auf “Wachs mal, Kleiner”, wenn man klein ist und bereits ausgewachsen ist? Die Million sehe ich nicht. Aber vom Bürgergeld fühle ich mich auch weit entfernt. Ich bin Bauhandwerker. Ich habe einen… On Bist du näher daran, Bürgergeld zu beziehen, als deine erste Million Euro zu verdienen? We have lunch until the evening. After that, there are pell potatoes with tuna-paprika herbs. On Was habt ihr heute zum Mittagessen gehabt? As a former military service provider, I can assure you that the Bundeswehr does not involve you during an ongoing… On Bundeswehr während der Ausbildung? No. I'm working on construction. It would be rather obscure. On Habt ihr Höhenangst? Looks good. There's Limoncello in there. That's all you need to know. Lemons are very healthy. 😀 On Wenn ihr diesen Kühlschrank also den Inhalt genau anschaut würdet ihr sagen sind da eher gesunde Lebensmittel drinn oder eher ungesunde? Dogs who don't bite. If he really wanted to break your bones, he'd just come by and do it. He… On Ein Typ droht mir alle meine Knochen zu brechen? This is just about the US business of TikTok. This would not change. If he doesn't buy it, TikTok could… On Was wäre wenn Elon Musk Tiktok kauft? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...