Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Fifi2002 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question Legally relevant On Klassenkamerad hat Bild von mir? Let's get my old news On Klassenkamerad hat Bild von mir? Yes, it is punishable to make the so-called "Hitlergruß" in Germany, even in a sports dress or another non-public environment.… On Klassenkamerad hat Bild von mir? You think everything you say on the internet or what? On Klassenkamerad hat Bild von mir? What are you gonna do? On Klassenkamerad hat Bild von mir? Whether you know how to proceed with your situation On Klassenkamerad hat Bild von mir? And you know what you're doing? On Klassenkamerad hat Bild von mir? Yeah, I'm going. self-employed On Geht ihr mit Jogginghose auf die Arbeit? Why is it bad for the AFD?Well, let's get to your question: you have made the h*tler greeting and now… On Klassenkamerad hat Bild von mir? Well, you have to say that I have been doing this for 5 years and usually work very long and… On Wie viel verdient ihr (aktuell) in eurer Ausbildung? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...