Doctor Whatsup has lived on this planet for quite a long time and knows quite a lot. It's simply called "life experience". Some say "general knowledge". This has helped him to master all situation in life and to be successful. Doctor Whatsup is happy to share this with others. For example, he advises adolescent young men to 1. overcome their media and computer game addiction and 2. understand that their success with women does not depend on their height or the condition of a particular body part. Knowing this, at least 70% of all the "questions of the time" have already been cleared up and we can submissive ourselves together to the really questions crucial:
- how do we create a prosperous future for all of us?
- how do we maintain a planet worth living on for everyone?
- how do we prevent society from radicalizing to the right?
- what and how much is necessary for me to live happily?
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