Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Dfrika This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question if our society were normal in the head, both sides would be served, both sides must be stuck somewhere. but… On Werden “INCELS” nicht zu unrecht beschimpft? men who had never love and sex in life and who are desperate have to listen to something like that,… On Werden “INCELS” nicht zu unrecht beschimpft? so it is On Werden “INCELS” nicht zu unrecht beschimpft? Okay, let's try this: you're unemployed, you're 1.60 tall, we say 50kg. bsit really a dear young, a good person… On Werden “INCELS” nicht zu unrecht beschimpft? because you can't turn on your brain and ncihtmal in the position are so little to look at our society,… On Werden “INCELS” nicht zu unrecht beschimpft? the whole reality that I experience every day again speaks to all your testimonials and confirms mine. No matter who… On Werden “INCELS” nicht zu unrecht beschimpft? that was deliberately provocatively expressed... in the core, but the statement is true, but no matter what, it's another thema...… On Werden “INCELS” nicht zu unrecht beschimpft? this is your interpretation, but the women could behave differently, as well as men and our society as a whole… On Werden “INCELS” nicht zu unrecht beschimpft? you didn't understand my point. it's about the critique that the incels about our society has a true core... On Werden “INCELS” nicht zu unrecht beschimpft? where did I say anything against women? I have only addressed a controversial thema where in many seemingly pervert the… On Werden “INCELS” nicht zu unrecht beschimpft? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...