Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload dariaxyz This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question What do you mean the first sentence? I haven't taken any pill for three days now or do I get… On Abbruchblutung später weil Pille länger genommen? You calmed me, thank you 🙏🏼 On Keine Zwischenblutungen und Abbruchblutung während Pillenpause? But do you have bleedings during the period (Tue Friday)? On Keine Zwischenblutungen und Abbruchblutung während Pillenpause? I hope to pull in the abdomen On Keine Zwischenblutungen und Abbruchblutung während Pillenpause? In the Maexeni 20 it's supposed to come on the 2nd or 3rd day and last month I also had… On Keine Zwischenblutungen und Abbruchblutung während Pillenpause? Yes I know, but I've been insecure, because I've had intermediate bleeding during my last pill break. On Keine Zwischenblutungen und Abbruchblutung während Pillenpause? And then just start with the new blister? On Rythmus der Pilleneinnahme kaputt gemacht? Could the intermediate blood flow have also been triggered by sexual intercourse? On Antibiotika genommen und zu früh ohne Kondom Sex gehabt. Schwanger trotz Pille? Zwischenblutungen? Thank you. On Abbruchblutung früher holen? Pille einfach stoppen? Many thanks but where exactly is the answer to my question now? I'm sorry, I don't have that understanding of… On Abbruchblutung früher holen? Pille einfach stoppen? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...