Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload CaptainThorment This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question So far, it's all right Mila Superstar. (Attack No.1)Apart from the fact that I find volleyball interesting as a sport.… On Was ist euer Lieblings-Sportanime und warum? For me Mila (Kozue) Ayuhara Of which: Mila Superstar On Welche findet ihr am hottesten? You're absolutely right. If one deals with a fictional (or a real) figure in a perhaps very short period of… On Deprimiert wegen Anime? Girl: AmiciaBoys: Yushima On Welcher war der schönste Name, den ihr bis jetzt gehört habt? Today, perhaps not quite as before.Mila (Kozue) Ayuhara from Mila Superstar On Welche Anime Crushes habt ihr so, an Jungs und Mädchen? Anime is generally very popular, but nevertheless something special. Your parents may not like it, but you must accept it.… On Wie überrede ich meine eltern zu Anime? I understand very well what you mean, although I have experienced your situation (partially only). I'm an Asperger autist.I would… On Deprimiert wegen Anime? Doesn't matter to itself? On Welchen Anime schau ich als nächstes? My is actually Mila Superstar On Was ist euer Lieblingsanime? Then it was Mila Superstar. Also my favorite anomaly. On Was war euer Anime 2024? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...