Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Bernd16381kk This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question Work would not be worthwhile if you had 3 children and only earned 1000€ and everything goes away from it. On Is it worth working at Lidl? Depends on how much you deserve when you have children and family. On Is it worth working at Lidl? naja quite but rather thought about it temporary and not forever I have seen many pay also only 13.50€ std… On Is it worth working at Lidl? It's not that easy with me. I think it's a lot of people like that. I'd like to stay stubborn,… On How do I quit smoking? Hallo, Ja für mein delonghi vollautomaten vielen Dank für dein Feedback! On Hello coffee lovers? Ich probiere ihn auch demnächst selber wollte nur paar Erfahrungen sammeln. On Hello coffee lovers? Okay gibt’s momentan im Angebot weshalb ich ihn mitgenommen habe weil er wurde gut abgeschnitten 2,2 bei Stiftungwarentest On Hello coffee lovers? Hello not necessarily because the profession is fun to me. On Furniture movers? I am relatively new in the jc and hardly experience in working life On Job center individual coaching? Alles klar danke hab ich mir schon so gedacht wollte nur nochmal sicher gehen. On Delonghi water filter date display? (No Ratings Yet)Loading...