Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Anonymgirl230 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question unfortunately all the rows I wanted to make :’) On Häkel wolle nicht gerade? Hey, danke schön aber das weiß ich alles schon ☺️ Wenn ich fragen hab melde ich mich bei dir On Hamster käfig? I don't go to school any longer when I was in school we had to teach music but I was… On Was sind das für cords bei der gitarre? Yes, you're right, I've never really taken time to learn gitarre and make it the first timeFind this really complicated… On Was sind das für cords bei der gitarre? I just looked after how to play Em and that doesn't work, because I don't even get on with my… On Was sind das für cords bei der gitarre? what does an e-moll mean and C? if I google I don't understand On Was sind das für cords bei der gitarre? to pay something you don't have to be able to On Wie viele tassen kaffee sind eine dose monster energy? that I can't make a joke? On Wie viele tassen kaffee sind eine dose monster energy? how you can see it On Wie viele tassen kaffee sind eine dose monster energy? you are funny, if I say that I can't make a mathe then I mean that I don't have any… On Wie viele tassen kaffee sind eine dose monster energy? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...