Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Andreas854 This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question Thank you for the answer. On Ist das Normal beim Pc? Jo's fixed. But can this happen more often and what possible problems could that be? On Ist das Normal beim Pc? I wanted to get a new Wifi adapter. On Wie behebe ich das Ethernet IP- Konfiguration Problem? With me, Ping stood: error in transmission. General error On Wie behebe ich das Ethernet IP- Konfiguration Problem? For me, the Internet Protocol version 4 is displayed (TCP/IPv4) On Wie behebe ich das Ethernet IP- Konfiguration Problem? Haha no. But I try to change On Wie behebe ich das Ethernet IP- Konfiguration Problem? Hmm okey but I was able to pay with my credits at the last and there is no point for… On Mit Paypal Guthaben bei Instant Gaming kaufen? Yeah, I know, but I had it before I got sick yesterday. I got this sweat since Wednesday On Beim Schlafen schwitzen? So then you could get me a whole new Pc. On Welche Grafikkarte und Welche CPU? So buy new Pc you can't build the CPU out. On Welche Grafikkarte und Welche CPU? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...