Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload 12345197Hello! This user account status is Approved About About Questions Questions Comments Comments New question New question Each instrument has its own difficulties, so I find it difficult to confine myself to a specific instrument.If someone is… On Welches Instrument? I have "three dresses" that I only wear for the stable, the field etc. (even where you get dirty). Just… On Tragt ihr matschsachen etc? Yeah, you can do it. On Mit Mentaler Gesundheit zuhause bleiben? Wissen die nicht. Unsere Hühner und Gänse sitzen manchmal auch Tage und Wochen auf unbefruchteten Eiern. On Woher weiß ein Vogel eigentlich wann ein gelegtes Ei befruchtet ist und wann nicht?!? Yeah, once. But that was not from his own motivation, but in the confiscal camp. A year later, I got… On Habt ihr schonmal einen Brief an euch selbst geschrieben? Listen to what you like to hear. It's not funny.I also like to listen to classical music and play piano.… On Klaviermusik oder Klassische Musik? Reading notes is not so difficult, but makes a lot easier.Make yourself a cardiologist, how to learn vocabulary. On the… On Besser auswendig lernen als nach Noten spielen? Why don't you take a trial lesson on both instruments? It's as good as any good music school.Listen to music… On Saxophon oder Klavier lernen? Tell your teacher that you can't fully understand the note and ask for a reason. Ask them specifically what you… On welche note würdet ihr geben? You can teach Kin Instrument of the world yourself or with an app (good).You don't teach yourself or an app… On Klavier lernen ohne Lehrer? load more comments (No Ratings Yet)Loading...