An Religiöse: Worin besteht der “Dienst” eurer Ansicht nach beim “Gottesdienst”?
Ich bin kein Narzißt. Wenn ich mir vorstelle, ich wäre ein Gott, womöglich allmächtig und allwissend, was bei Merlins Hinterteil sollte ich dann davon haben, wenn Leute alle paar Tage in meinem Namen in ein Gebäude rennen, ein bisschen singen und sich (nicht selten scheinheilige) Reden anhören und dann wieder abhauen und die Woche weiter machen wie sonst auch?
Ich sähe als Gott für mich keinen “Dienst” darin. Eine Dienstleistung (was ja von “Dienst” auch abstammt”) ist ja etwas, bei dem derjenige dem sie erbracht wird, einen Nutzen davon hat. Was denkt ihr, hat dieses Verhalten für einen Nutzen für euren Gott?
Funnyly, after the last divine service, I had a conversation about what that should actually mean and we both did to research it.
My result is that the word is outdated in the evangelical scene, because a worship is not a service to or to God. This was different in religions with a temple service, but also in a church where the Eucharist is the center of the Mass.
That’s what a religious group once told me when I said I didn’t have a bock to go to ‘Godsdiensten’ at predetermined times.
“God created the world so beautifully, make sure that you are well at the moment, and look forward to eternal life.
As a ‘compassion, God only wants a small part of his time to be used to worship God individually and in communion and to be aware that we would not be anything without God.
Imagine God would suddenly have no more pleasure… “
Yeah, that put me under pressure at the time.
In concrete terms, I was even afraid that me or my loved ones would meet if I didn’t stop times and rituals…
But only one of them would have a nasty, or egomania, something. It would not be important for a person without these characteristics.
You’re right.
Someone who could create a universe with possibly x- forms of life would indeed be a ‘small spirit, it would be important for him to be honed, not onended, wearing Hijab, or walking into the church on Sunday, etc.
Right. If I were a god, I would also be more of a spaghettimonster type and would invite me to dinner at most and my “Godsdienst” would be on a potluck :-D.
Prayers and praises sing as well as (good) sermons are important to man, so that this is done in God.
If man lives in everyday life only according to his own will, he did not pray enough, did not sing enough praises and did not understand good sermons. You could also say: Man wasn’t there enough with his heart.
It depends on the implementation in everyday life. This is the standard for a good worship on Sunday.
Don’t talk.
not quite right. Only the person who judges himself on God can serve God.
There’s a question as good as nobody asks. She scares us. That’s why we’re distracting. Television, social media, work… The question that we quickly reject is: am I moral?
I have found for myself that the clear answer is NO, and I have also noticed over the last seven years that I have never managed to catch up on my own. So it’s just a choice.
I’m gonna have to nerve God. I’ll have to nerve him until he changes me in all these things and makes me pure like a bride.
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And the cause: “The hugs of the father” by Jack Frost as a novel
Why do I do my service? Because I know and see how lost Christians are. They’re crazy and don’t know what to do. That’s why I personally share all the information I get. Let’s pay it out.
Prayer that we should never forget, and with what we should annoy God: that He brings people and makes us out, who catch his harvest and who command their hearts what paths they have to go, for our hearts need guidance
Say, you don’t see any benefit for God in it.
Some songs only reflect a goddess. A shadow we make ourselves of God. God is already looking forward to music (see David), but this is also about real relationship.
The worship is Christian cultural property. An interruption of everyday life. It is an old wisdom that man does not live by bread alone. Since there are Christians, they have gathered to worship. They experience communion with like-minded people and with God, hear God’s word, experience forgiveness, encourage each other, are solidarity with people who feel worse, pray, celebrate and mourn together. God and near as well as distant Mitchrists put the focus of thoughts for an hour before there is again an exhausting everyday life. But it has been made clear again that one is carried by God and the congregation, so that one can perhaps approach the tasks of the coming week a little more relaxed. God is the inventor of peace or holidays. Every seventh day the work is to rest. But just lying on the lazy skin does not satisfy anyone. Also a rest day requires structure. The divine service offers this, and he himself has a structure that allows you to follow the divine service wherever you are.
Who rarely participates in a worship, does not understand what is happening, and feels boredom. I’ve regularly visited church services since childhood. I know and love most chorals. I often prefer the reading from the Bible, and I have already held the sermon in dialogue with our pastor.
You’re right! What happens on Sundays is a meeting. The Bible says the following about worship:
Röm 12:1-21: “Because God has given us such a mercy, dear siblings, I now also exhort you that you provide God as a living and holy sacrifice with your body and life. He has joy in such sacrifices, and this is the true worship. And do not judge yourself according to the standards of this world, but let the way you think renew from God and change your mind so that you can check if there is something God’s will – whether it is good whether it would please God and whether it leads to the goal! Because of the grace that God has given me, I warn every one of you: Do not think higher than you come, but rather you really appreciate yourself! The scale of this is the faith God has given to each of us. It’s like our body. He forms a living whole, but has many members, each of whom has its special task. Similarly, in connection with Christ, we are all a single body and single members of each other. We have very different gifts, as God gave them to us in his grace. One has the gift to pass on the words of God. He should do this in accordance with faith! Another person is capable of carrying out practical tasks. Let him use this gift! If someone has the gift of teaching, let him teach! If someone has the gift of pastoral care, then he shall practice it! Those who support in need do this inconveniently! Whoever takes responsibility must be diligent! Those who take care of distress should do it with a cheerful heart! Love must be real without hypocrisy! Abhor evil, hold on to the good! Be devoted to each other in warm brotherly love! Take care of each other! Do not be neglected in the diligence, let the Spirit of God burn in you and thus serve the Lord! Rejoice, because you have hope, remain steadfast in distress, be constantly in prayer! Take part in the needs of the faithful and help them! It’s about hospitality! Sail your persecutors, wish them good and do not curse them! Rejoice with those who are happy; weep with those who cry! Be committed to the same goal! Don’t strive high, but let yourself be used by little things! Don’t be smart yourself! Don’t repay evil with evil! You’re struggling for an exemplary behavior towards everyone! As far as it is possible and as far as you are concerned, lives with all people in peace! Don’t grow up, you loved ones, but leave room for the wrath of God! For in the Scriptures, it is my cause to avenge the injustice, says the Lord, I will retaliate!” For if you do this, you will collect fiery coals on his head.* Do not be defeated by evil, but defeat evil with good!”
Christian worship consists of a Christian himself. In his entire life and his orientation to God.
Romans 12:2
2 Do not adapt to the standards of this world, but let yourselves be changed by God, so that your whole thinking is reoriented. Only then can you judge what God’s will is, what is good and perfect and what he likes.
This is explained in more detail in the following verses. Generally, the whole chapter is very important for this topic and shows once again the result of a living faith: the living worship
These are accusations, I am 24/7 Christin and live for and with God. Jesus I love you
What do you see the separate “service” at church service?
You forget that people are sinners… God the man-all loves him giving them free will- And what God does has all the sense that human understanding cannot grasp
…. You’re completely talking about the question.
What benefit do you see in this behavior which I describe above for the God?
but then you do not understand faith, religion or God- No man can say how and what the dear God always plans exactly in a person – the man has to believe only that is important – this question can answer you God alone
Say: no benefit for God, only for men?
one goes to worship to strengthen his faith or to ask for help from God
You’re talking about my question again.
What benefit do you have in this behavior which I describe above for the God?
The “God service” is not for God but for men. Jesus, too, has expressed similarity about the “Sabbath”.
The term comes from a time when one has brought sacrifices in worship.
On the etymology of the word “Godsdienst” the digital dictionary quite clearly writes that the use of words is always exclusively about the Christian God – and that has never been Victims used, you take out working time and k-force and ring bag and war services.
So this is, with faith, nonsense.
Well, maybe you’re right. In the Bronze Age, we have called our worships worship. Just in Greek.
Okay, if you find “God service” inappropriate, just call it different. In most cases, the evangelical worship is in any case a human service.
Ahja. Who is “we” and how do you want to know how it was called in the Bronze Age? …
Fair coming from Missa
theDismissalthe faithful from the worship; theContinue
One is to proclaim God’s confidence and love through our way of life.
Philipper 4:8-9 SCH2000
[8] Moreover, ye brethren, all that is true, what is righteous, what is pure, what is lovable, what is pleasing, what is any virtue or something worthy of praise, are dedicated to it! [9] What you have also learned and received and heard and seen in me, that does; and the God of peace will be with you.
Roman Letter 12:1 SCH2000
[1] I now exhort you, brothers, in the face of the mercy of God, that you give your bodies as a living, holy, God-fearing sacrifice: This is your reasonable service!
Talk about the question.