Zysten entfernung nicht mehr nötig?
Eigentlich soll mir eine zyste im unterkiefer entfernt werden weil diese total angeschwollen war wegen einer entzündung im Zahn und laut dem Röntgenbild soll diese 3 cm groß sein, der zahn wurde behandelt vor 2 wochen, nun fühlt man nichts mehr von einer zyste auch nach mehrfachen genauen abtasten scheint es so als wäre diese nicht mehr vorhanden,oder hat sich zurück gebildet.am Montag ist das Vorgespräch in einer klinik bezüglich der zysten entfernung.weiß jemand ob die vorher nochmal ein röntgenbild anfertigen ,und ob die Möglichkeit besteht das diese nicht mehr operiert/entfernt werden muss dann ? Lg
With X-ray you will see little, there must be a CT.
Dentistry is in this case a blessing because with the elimination of the cause, the problem hopefully is permanently out of the world; regularly to the dentist!
Be happy if no surgery is necessary! There are so many nerves in this area that you will be able to retain any restrictions afterwards, with good luck those who may eventually reappear.
Good luck!
Thank you, it was funny that my dentist spoke directly after the X-ray picture of a cyst after which the inflammation was gone nothing more to feel when you press in there where the cyst should be there is nothing
The dentist is quite different. He sees cavities between bone and root, …
HNO doctors help themselves with ultrasound or in the clinics with CTs, in some cases also with contrast media to make certain structures.
Thank you 🙂 I think this will be a positive hope that tomorrow will settle and the dental treatment can finally start 🙂 thank you for your time/help
Whether the tooth has to go out or not, your dentist decides. If the tooth is still to be saved, he will decide. Inflammation can always be disproved if the reason for eliminating the inflammation is out of the body, the tooth can be saved.
Thanks 🙂 the doofe is stop that was swollen and everything was full with eiter, that was opened in a clinic and kept open with a urenage so that it heals, this has been out since 2 weeks since everything has been greatly improved, but my dentist refuses to pull the tooth definitively so long the “cyst” was not removed again.
It may be that all of you, there are also Lymph nodes that can swell, have re-educated to normal size.
Thank you, so it can also be that I have no zyste and the hollow space was present through the strong swelling?
A 3cm cyst is created over years and does not disappear.
However, not the doctor, but you should decide whether or not you want the treatment. I would make this at your place only with very strong or recurring appreciable complaints, because such treatment is not pleasant and not risk-free.
I find it questionable whether it really should be a cyst, or whether the inflammatory just saw the swelling in the boner as I had a root treatment 7 months ago and there was also a x-ray image made and on which there was nothing to see from a cyst or another
Then get a second opinion (if you want to act if it really is a cyst).
Swellings in the jaw area can arise from today on tomorrow, in the most favorable case also disappear from alone.
At the same time, the hurricane has been discovered and eliminated, now it is only necessary to check more whether the changes have fallen back to normal size.