Zwischenblutung bei Drovelis im Langzeitzyklus normal?

Hallo zusammen und frohe Weihnachten,

ich bin 53 Jahre alt und nehme seit über einem Jahr die Pille Drovelis im Langzeitzyklus ohne Pillenpause. Gerade habe ich Urlaub. Zuvor hatte ich Stress im Job und definitiv zu wenig Schlaf.
Nun habe ich plötzlich Zwischenblutungen und frage mich warum.

Ich neige zu Zysten am Eierstock und hatte im Grunde schon immer, auch bei anderen Pillen, immer mal wieder Zwischenblutungen.

Hat jemand eine Idee, was es sein könnte?

Vielen Dank für eure Antworten. Stine

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3 months ago

Please take a look at the package leaflet of your pill. Under “Zwischenblutungen” you will find:

Your period usually starts while you take the white placebo tablets from the Drovelis pack. During the first months in which you take Drovelis, unexpected bleeding can occur (bloods outside the placebo days). This bleeding is usually weak and usually does not require monthly hygiene. If this bleeding occurs for more than a few months or only begins after a few months, your doctor must clarify the cause.

Or take a look at the SUMMARY OF THE MERKMALE OF THE ARZNEIMITTELS of the European Medicines Agency (EMA):

The most commonly reported side effects are Metrorhagie (4.3%), headache (3.2%), acne (3.2%), vaginal bleeding (2.7%) and Dysmenorrhea (2.4%)

These complaints usually improve after an adjustment phase. If they are too burdensome or if there is no improvement even after three months, you should discuss with your female physician whether another pill or even a non- hormonal contraceptive is better suited for you.

However, in comparison to cyclical use, the risk of intermediate bleeding (which are already a typical side effect of each pill) is slightly increased in the long-term cycle. This does not mean, however, that intermediate bleeding must occur, but can only occur.

To let the cervical mucosa bleed off in peace, you can now take a 4-day break or take a break. take the drug-free tablets.

Happy for you and Merry Christmas!

3 months ago
Reply to  Stine52

So you’re leaving the placebo tablets? Then see the last paragraph of my answer.

However, if you mean “continuous” to always take the 28 tablets (including placebotables) and intermediate bleeding outside the placebotage only after a few months, you should let the FA explain the cause.

3 months ago

compared to the cyclical application, the risk of intermediate bleeding (which are already a typical side effect of each pill) is slightly increased in the long-term cycle.

To let the cervical mucosa bleed off in peace, you can now take a 4-day break or take a break. take the drug-free tablets.

3 months ago

Thank you for your ⭐!

2 months ago

If you take 12 blisters without a break, you must
