Zwillinge hängen total aneinander?

Meine jüngeren Brüder sind eineiige Zwillinge, werden bald 19, und vor paar Monaten sind sie bei unserer Mutter ausgezogen weil sie nur mehr Streit hatten.

Es ging immer ums gleiche Thema, sie sollen unabhängiger werden, nicht alles teilen, sich eigene Freunde suchen statt immer nur gemeinsam abzuhängen. Als vor zwei Jahren mein altes Zimmer frei wurde gab sie das dem jüngeren. Die haben es aber nur als Hobbyzimmer benutzt und gingen weiter gemeinsam ins andere zum schlafen was sie verbieten wollte usw.

Jedenfalls haben sie sich im Sommer nachdem sie erwachsen waren eine Einzimmerwohnung gemietet, also gemeinsam. Für Mutter eh schon der wahrgewordene Alptraum. Nachdem sie etwas gespart hatten haben sie jetzt neue Ikea Möbel reingestellt, war dort um das mit ihnen zu feiern.

Mutter war natürlich neugierig und wollte Bilder sehen. Jetzt ist sie wieder entsetzt und traurig weil die sich ein Doppelbett reingestellt haben in dem sie zusammen schlafen. Sie will jetzt das ich ihnen erklären soll dass sie getrennte Betten brauchen 🥺

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1 year ago

It was always about the same subject, they should become more independent, not share everything, look for their own friends instead of always hanging together.

If they are to become independent, why does it make such demands.

Why do they have to become independent if they simply don’t want to.

Should one forbid the friends to be friends with the twin at the same time? That’s what the mother’s doing. It’s good that the two are starting their own life now instead of getting into it. For me it shows that they are quite independent.

Don’t start being on your mother’s extended arm, from which they just want to encapsulate.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tand0r


1 year ago

When the two come clear, their life is fine.

The phenomenon is not even rare with one twin, of which more than one twin pair are encountered. For example, I carried out painting work with two old ladies in Hamburg, and the two slept in a double bed, were inseparable for their lives and at the end of 70. A woman in two bodies. The one spoke to me and went away while the other simply continued the sentence. Very strange. No man told me they’d ever come into question as a partner, because every partner would have wanted them to be “two”.

1 year ago

they are old enough. at the latest when they develop their own love life, or they appear in a few years as a contribution to galileo because they are so “excellent” that they share everything with each other

1 year ago

I’m curious.

I can understand your mother.

However, it is her life. 🤷

1 year ago

The two are 19 years old when they earn their own living, they can also decide how to live. Your mother has nothing to say.

1 year ago

There’s nothing to change – what if they’re happy…

1 year ago

Then let the two of the mother make an announcement that she shouldn’t interfere anymore.

But that they sleep together in a bed is very slanted. How do they do that when they meet someone? Does this person always have to sleep in bed with the other twin? Or should it be a triangle relationship?

1 year ago
Reply to  Puabi23

that this can be nothing with knowledge and relationships

You want that?

It seems more important to your mother and to you than the two.

If your life plan looks different, it doesn’t matter to anyone else.

1 year ago
Reply to  Puabi23

They must know that. They’re all year round, no one has to interfere.

8 months ago

I am a twin and with me, or it is the opposite. My parents wanted to understand us better all our lives. But if we finally understand each other better, they say that we should not do so much together. That’s her logic. We want to rent an apartment, where we want to live with my best friend. They are not so excited about that now either. But it’s the best we want to go to the same school. Well, parents often don’t understand. If your brothers are satisfied, you should leave them best.


1 year ago

Congratulations to the two young men that they escaped their mother.

10 months ago

I also share a room with my twin sister and we had the same best friend.

I honestly don’t understand your mother’s problem. I’d just want a relationship for my kids.

But I think your mother’s fear is that she’s still working together even though it’s less fun. She thinks I’m thinking more about the future.

She should have just started living her apart earlier. For example, not the same class or kindergarten group (I never had with my sister). But that she wants to separate the rooms is very big. They have become so much used to sleeping together that they simply don’t get it (which is completely normal). I personally can’t sleep in the room without my sister. With us this is a habit that if one on us on the class trip is our mother must be in the room…

Personally, I think it’s good that they’re opposed.

1 year ago

They’re grown up and they’ve been allowed to decide for a long time.

1 year ago

What a nonsense. The two are grown and pulled out and can do this as they want. Either your mother finds out about it or she has had bad luck. By the way, this is not so rare for twins. I know two women who are 21 and also one twins and who live at home, but also share a double bed, have the same circle of friends, the same hobbies, etc. This is easy sometimes when you’ve been together since childhood and it’s used to sharing everything. Twins often have a special connection to each other.

1 year ago

She wants these young men (yes, they are grown up and should be allowed to make their own decisions) to become more independent and independent – but at the same time she wants to mother and decide?

A one-room apartment is financially cheaper. The two are from small to accustomed to sharing a room/ spending their spare time together (because it is a homemade “problem….. well, problem rather not, but just raised from home).

1 year ago

So the one with the common bed is already wired. However, if the apartment does not give this from the size, I can still understand.

two good friends of mine have always been used to dress up since they were home. also single twins. Partly, if the apartment was too small even with only one bedroom, but two separate beds. the last 10 years or so they live generous enough that each of the two has their own bedroom.

1 year ago

Your brothers are 19. What are you doing?

And as a mommy of twins, I have to say that there was something wrong in education. If they were not independent of their whole life, always “the twins”, why are you expecting it at once.

Maybe just focus on the subject beforehand. Twins have an enormous bond, so targeted separations are important throughout the whole. Separate groups in the Kita, separate classes at school, as examples.

Sorry, let her do it now. They’re grown up.

1 year ago
Reply to  Monschi79

I just wonder what this targeted separation is important for. Is the twins better?

1 year ago
Reply to  steefi

Certainly it is better for those who are not always seen and treated like a unit and copy of the other.

It is a serious disturbance, not to be able to be independent.

1 year ago
Reply to  steefi

To develop independent personalities. Especially in the case of single twins enormously important. Otherwise, they are always compared and treated equally and can no longer distinguish between one and the other. Names mirror effect.

If you have separate groups and classes, they get to know each other better, their own character, find their own friends, strong and weaken. Not only are they oriented towards each other, but also to others.

1 year ago
Reply to  Puabi23

From when they were in separate classes.

Do a favor and stay out of your way. It is the life of your brothers and your mama can worry, but they are now grown up and make their own decision

1 year ago
Reply to  Monschi79

Twins have an enormous bond, so targeted separations are important throughout the whole

What you’re presenting here as an apparent fact is quite controversial.

There are also professionals who see this in opposite directions and claim to separate the twins the worst thing you can do to you.

I wouldn’t separate twins who understand each other well.

1 year ago

Yeah, that was too late. But as I said, now they are grown up and make their own decision.

1 year ago

I don’t mean that. Mostly there is a dominant twin and one that adapts itself.. Probably the impulsive is rather the dominant twin.

However, it does not develop these characters freely but because of their belongings

1 year ago

Education and experience

1 year ago

How do you know?

1 year ago

Yeah, well explained.