Zwiebel eingeatmet?
Ich (M/14) war am Zwiebeln essen als ich auf einmal wegen meiner Oma lachen musste. Da habe ich ein zerkautes stück Zwiebel eingeatmet und es ist immer noch nicht raus. Da ist das Gefühl, als ob da ne zwiebel wäre beim atmen und beim husten fühlt es sich so an als ob die zwiebel hoch kommen würde und dann wieder sinkt.
Ist das besorgniserregend?
Sounds unbelievable. If a piece of onion would still be stuck in the trachea, then you would have to cough without end, then you would be choking, then someone would have to knock out with the Heimlich handle. I find it more likely that it feels like there’s something in it. You could now call the 116117 at the weekend where the doctor’s surgeries are to see if a doctor should come to you.
Don’t worry, the questioner is a well-known hypochonder.
Oh, yeah, just read his many questions. He’ll be a glowing, enthusiastic medical student and a 150% doctor. If not in reality, then in his imagination.
With foreign bodies in the lungs is not too fun. If you didn’t cough it out again, you should visit a doctor. This can otherwise lead to pneumonia.
Don’t worry, the questioner is a well-known hypochonder.
No, you will survive as always completely without prejudice.
And finally, let your hypochondria be treated, that’s not normal anymore.