Dwarf rabbit can't defecate, what should I look out for?
Hello, my rabbit can no longer defecate. We went to the vet, and he gave him some fluids, like water, and some medication.
He also gave him an ointment and told me to give him 0.5 ml of this ointment every 3 hours, 3 times today and 3 times tomorrow.
I've separated him from other rabbits to see if he defecates. Is this a good or bad idea?
And the vet also said I should give him a shot of food every hour, but that would put even more pressure on the rabbit, wouldn't it?
I mean, he can't poop, if I give him more food, it will only hurt him,
Can someone help please, I don't know how to help him..
Offer him sunflower seeds. They make food supple. There can also be some edible oil on the feed. What are you feeding the rabbit?
I guess the ointment should make the digestive pulp slip.
You’re right: a rabbit with constipation shouldn’t be forcibly fed.
He should eat by himself. It’s also very important that he eats. Otherwise, the cycle is tied together.
Hope the paste will work quickly and it will turn back. It’s okay that you separated her. You have to see when he does.
Doesn’t he eat? If this isn’t better tomorrow, you’ll have to go back to the vet.
Hey, no he’s barely eating. I took him in my room so I could watch him more closely. This veterinarian’s porridge, I’m not going to give him any more, as he keeps him in his mouth and spits out later. He doesn’t swallow it.
I’m afraid it’s a hairball. You have to have X-rays, and this hasn’t been done today. I hope that my little one can bleed quickly again, because I know he’s hurt and I’m sorry with him.
Or would you give this Brei forcibly today?
As long as the suspicion of a closure is in the room, you must not force-feed. It can end fatal.
An X-ray picture would have been useful. I’m really excited about the incompetence of veterinarians. Unfortunately, you don’t have much choice now. If the problem still persists on Monday, you should go to a rabbit-driven veterinarian. You can find them here: https://kaninchenwiese.de/health/general/kaninchenarzt/#Tieraerztinnen_and_Tieraerzte_die_sich_on_Kaninchen_spezialized_have_Kaninchen specialists
You can also dissolve a hair bale by massage. But as I said, it takes an X-ray picture. The next time, it’s important.