Zwerghamster darf Gurke essen?
hallo , ich habe einen Zwerghamster, darf er Gurke essen ? Also ich habe gelesen das er es darf aber jetzt wollte ich euch mal fragen ? Dürfte er auch Apfel essen ? Und wenn ja alles mit oder ohne Schale ?
hallo , ich habe einen Zwerghamster, darf er Gurke essen ? Also ich habe gelesen das er es darf aber jetzt wollte ich euch mal fragen ? Dürfte er auch Apfel essen ? Und wenn ja alles mit oder ohne Schale ?
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Gurke is not a problem. You just have to look. How much he does, because Gurke can lead to diarrhea. You can feed with and without a bowl. When you feed with bowl, you should wash everything first.
Depending on which dwarf marshal you have, you can also feed in extremely small amounts of apples. In hybrids (if you have a “dsungare” that is from the zoo store or hobby breeders, you can assume that it is a hybrid) and campells you leave it with the apple completely. Here the same applies as above (i.e. with the shell).
LG Amy
Yes, they can, even with shell, or even more the shell. They’ll get diarrhea from too much cucumber, so they’ll give only a little. Hamsters eat seeds and grains from nature.
A washed, unsalted salad or cucumber is absolutely fine for a hamster. But please give it so sparingly because otherwise they only bunk it and then you can easily have mold in the cradle.
Fruit is also allowed. But it’s really just the smallest and only occasionally. Hamsters hardly need sugar in their diet and therefore what in an apple is already abundant for them.
You’re allowed to leave everything. or you just give him the bowl and eat the rest of the apple yourself!
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