Zwergfadenfische mit Garnelen?
Hallo. Ich habe ein 160l Aquarium. Leider finde ich kaum Infos über die Gesellschaftung von Garnelen mit anderen größeren Fischen.
Ich habe im Becken noch Dornaugen, Panzerwelse, rote Neons und Kaisertetras… die Frage ist, ob dich Zwergfadenfische oder Honigguramis mit den Garnelen vertragen und meinen Bestand nicht allzu sehr schmälern.
Dazu ist noch meine Frage ob sich ein Pärchen, 1m und 2 w oder eine andere Kombination für die Größe eignet wäre.
Habt ihr vielleicht noch andere Ideen, was ich an etwas größeren Fischen als Blickfang ins Becken lassen könnte?
Danke schonmal für alle netten Antworten.
It’s completely unproblematic. Also hold 2 dwarf fish (2w, were once 2w 1m) with dwarf and amanogarnels in a 180l aquarium. Young people have not been through me yet, but this is usually the case with a partnership with fish.
I have made very good experiences with the combination 2W and 1M. In the aquarium, he had only one female with the male twice, and each time he hunted the female all the time so that both died after a short time. With 2 females, however, it worked great and after a short time he also stopped hunting them.
Honeyuramis are supposed to be a little easier and also easier to care. But had no one yet.
I hope I could help you.
Ok super many thanks for the answer
Thanks for the star!
That can go.
Dwarf fish and honey cucumbers have a high aggressiveness in brood care and also the male against the female. The attitude in open pelvis usually does not succeed. With open basins, I mean basins where less than 2/3 of the volume is completely filled with impenetrable dust, especially near the surface.
Dwarf fish in trade are often ill. Dwarf fish are more aggressive than honey cucumber for me, so it would not be a heavy decision to take from the two. If ever dwarf fish – then a group of females without males.
You could also take 6 or 8 pieces. I’d do that.
Aplocheilus panchax; Aplocheilus dayi; Epiplatys dageti
Dermogenys pusilla
Quite perhaps (it’s a little bit close to the ground): a couple Tateurndina ocellicauda (Pastellgrundel). You could do such a trick as a slightly elevated cave.
Thank you for your answer I’ll look at your suggestions